Instagram We just got our new engraving bits, which are specially made for the MINImill #excited #minimill #pcbmilling #pcb #engraving #grbl #qbot #pcbmill #electronics #desktopmill Posted on 2. August 20182. August 2018 by Thomas Schiefermair 02 Aug Thomas Schiefermair Cutting with our new, automated slicer – feature recognition and automated GCODE generation make milling so much easier #minimill #gcode #stl #nocadcam #easytouse #software #cadcam We are working on our QBOT MINImill PRO which is the easiest and most versatile milling machine for companies #minimill #easytouse #pcbmilling #3dmilling #artificialintelligence #ai #software #assistedmanufacturing #highspeedmilling #servodrive #rapidprototyping