Instagram Milling Easter decoration on a qBot MINImill – stay tuned for our finished Easter bunny #easter #qbot #manufacturing #MINImill #wood #instatech #instamill #grbl #cncmilling #cnc #gadget #woodworking #wood Veröffentlicht am 30. März 201830. März 2018 von Thomas Schiefermair 30 März Thomas Schiefermair An amazing binary clock milled on a MINImill – thanks @Bernd for submitting this cool project #minimill #qbot #clock #binaryclock #minimilled #diy #pcbmilling #pcbmill #startup #grbl #elab Retrofitting a parallel port CNC milling machine with GRBL and our awesome MINImill Software – to make our board compatible with the big stepper motors we had to beef up the motor current #minimill #qbot #grbl #parallelport #cnclinux #cnc #retrofit #awesome #maker