Instagram We milled a new door plate on our new MINImill KIT – check out what you could make with our new milling machine: #doorplate #doornameplate #MINImillKIT #cnc #millingmachine #millingcompany Veröffentlicht am 26. Januar 201926. Januar 2019 von Thomas Schiefermair 26 Jan. Thomas Schiefermair Let's talk – Trademark and Patents, we had an interesting panel discussion about Patents, Trademarks and Start-ups #proud #startuplife #ideentriebwerkgraz #qbot #hba Testing PCB milling parameters on our new MINImill KIT starting at 990€ – speed up your PCB prototyping and mill your PCBs directly from .gerber files – #madewithaminimill #modelmaking #pcbmilling #pcbmill #grbl #pcbdesign #pcbprototype #instatech #electronics #diycnc #circuitboard