Author Archives: Thomas Schiefermair
MINImill CAD – CAM – MILL Software – BETA Testing of our awesome MINImill Software starts at the beginning of 2018. Load and automatically convert .gerber, .dxf and .stl files for your GRBL milling machine. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube or visit regularly to get the newest updates.Our MINImill Software will be free to use for all DIY enthusiasts, makers and educators#minimill #qbot #grbl #pcbmilling #pcbmill #prototyping #software #diycnc #diy #instatech #geek #cnc #electronics #education #manufacturing #makersgonnamake #techie #technology #cncmachining #cncmilling #cncmill #startup #hack #makersmovement
MINImill automatically mills custom PCBs out of .gerber files. Manufacture your PCBs in less than five minutes – this adapter connects two 8S lithium batteries in an electric long board.For more information please visit: www.minimill.atMusic: A new Beginning – #MINImill #pcbmilling #pcbmill #grbl #software #startup #cncmill #cncmilling #diycnc #diypcb #geek #techie #technology #printedcircuitboards #productvideo #video #minimilled #instatech #electronics
Martin Viereckl studies computer science in Graz and likes to build awesome projects. He is also one of the co founders of the MINImill project.
Thomas Schiefermair studies mechanical engineering in Graz and likes to build awesome projects. He is also one of the co founders of the MINImill project.
Jakob Neuhauser studies electrical engineering in Graz and likes to build awesome projects. He is also one of the co founders of the MINImill project.